Change Community: Building a Culture of Transformation

At Adviso, we specialize in cultural change and business transformation. We believe that building a change community is essential for driving cultural change and achieving business transformation. In this article, we will explore the importance of change communities and the steps that organizations can take to build a culture of transformation.

What is a Change Community?

A change community is a group of individuals who are committed to driving cultural change and achieving business transformation. Change communities can take many forms, including cross-functional teams, employee resource groups, and innovation labs.

The key to building a successful change community is to create a culture that values collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement. Change communities provide a space for individuals to share their ideas and perspectives, collaborate on solutions, and drive change within the organization.

The Benefits of Change Communities

Change communities offer a range of benefits for organizations. These include:

  1. Increased Collaboration: Change communities promote collaboration by bringing together individuals from different backgrounds and perspectives. This can lead to more diverse and innovative solutions to business challenges.

  1. Enhanced Innovation: Change communities encourage innovation by providing a space for individuals to share their ideas and perspectives. This can lead to new and innovative solutions to business challenges.

  1. Improved Communication: Change communities promote communication by creating a culture of openness and transparency. This can lead to better collaboration, more effective problem-solving, and enhanced innovation.

  1. Increased Engagement: Change communities can help to increase employee engagement by providing individuals with opportunities to contribute to decision-making processes and take ownership of their work.

Building a Change Community

Building a change community requires a deliberate and intentional effort to create a culture that values collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement. The following steps can help organizations to build a change community:

  1. Define the Purpose: Defining the purpose involves identifying the specific problem or challenge that the change community is designed to address. This can help to ensure that the community is focused and productive.

  1. Identify the Participants: Identifying the participants involves identifying the individuals who are most likely to contribute to the discussion and inviting them to participate. This can help to ensure that the community is attended by individuals who are invested in the problem or challenge.

  1. Create the Space: Creating the space involves setting up the physical environment in a way that promotes collaboration and engagement. This can include arranging the seating in a circle, providing materials for note-taking, and creating a relaxed and informal atmosphere.

  1. Facilitate the Discussion: Facilitating the discussion involves creating a structure for the discussion that allows participants to share their ideas and perspectives. This can include setting ground rules, providing prompts for discussion, and encouraging active listening.

  1. Document the Results: Documenting the results involves capturing the ideas and solutions generated during the discussion and sharing them with the participants and other stakeholders. This can help to ensure that the ideas generated during the discussion are not lost and can be acted upon.

  1. Implement Change: Implementing change involves taking action to implement the ideas and solutions generated during the discussion. This can involve creating new processes and procedures, changing performance metrics, and promoting collaboration and innovation.


Building a change community is essential for driving cultural change and achieving business transformation. By creating a culture that values collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement, organizations can promote engagement, enhance communication, and drive innovation. At Adviso, we believe that building a change community requires a deliberate and intentional effort to create a culture that values collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement, and we are committed to helping organizations transform their culture and achieve their goals through change communities.


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