Forging the Future: Empowering the New Generation of Leaders

Helping global transformational leaders emerge to bring the company to the next level.


by Fabien Vial


AXA – a leader in the insurance sector – embarked on an innovative journey as they debuted a talent development program at their most internationally diverse entity. The goal: to foster a new generation of visionary leaders, adept at tackling the challenges of an increasingly globalized world.

The company contacted Adviso with a challenging question: “We have identified our first 50 high potentials (HIPOs) on four continents, and they will meet for the first time in four weeks. We have a program, but we believe we can still take it to the next level and make it truly transformative. Can you help us with that?” Our time line was short, and the challenge consequential for a first iteration!


Opportunities for a breakthrough in talent development programs are rare. We proposed a bold idea to the client: design a never-seen-before program that would be crafted by the HIPOs themselves, with our support. After all, who better understands their needs than the HIPOs themselves?

To achieve this, we assembled a team that reflects the diversity of the HIPOs and offers a unique combination of expertise, including participatory leadership experts, management consultants, collective intelligence facilitators, and hosts from different continents, along with world-class inspirational speakers. And we worked in partnership with our client.

This marked the beginning of the inaugural five-day seminar. The 50 HIPOs, who initially joined in a more passive ‘client’ role, were promptly immersed in a robust design thinking process. Within a matter of hours, they metamorphosed into a team of entrepreneurs, crafting the program of their dreams. The level of energy during the event was extraordinary and persisted at elevated heights throughout their two-year journey.

Across four cohorts, each meeting four times over the course of two years, nearly 200 HIPOs participated in the program, totaling a five-year endeavor. We offered immersive experiential learning that encompassed our “Four Layers of Impact” framework:

    • ME – personal transformation, which helps individuals understand and develop their own values, vision, and leadership style
    • WE – team performance, which focuses on collaboration, communication, and innovation
    • WORK – business impact, which helps individuals understand how their work contributes to the organization’s goals and success
    • WORLD – societal impact, which encourages individuals to use their skills and talents to make a positive impact on society

Through a range of activities, including setting up a shadow Comex, conducting a vision quest in the forest, training on change leadership, engaging in deep conversations with group leaders, and continually exploring their own shifts throughout this year, the HIPOs developed the capacity to start leading in their own way and bring the company to the next level.

One of the most important aspects of the program was the building of a strong community of trust and practice among the HIPOs. This still enables them to share ideas, collaborate effectively, and support one another in their professional development.

Studies have shown that participants in the program were able to accelerate their careers and succeed in their new positions.

Thank you for everything that you have done for us and for me especially.

— A participant

I can’t express in words how much you impacted me and how much I loved our conversations. You’re an amazing source of inspiration to me.

— A participant

I appreciate the value you brought to my career and to me personally. When I launch a workshop, a town hall meeting, or a teambuilding, I think of you and your workstyle and try to get inspiration from our multiple sessions. Many thanks!

— A participant

"Leadership has nothing to do with titles, positions or organisation charts. It is the ability of a person to use their life to influence other lives."

Fabien Vial


Fabien is the CEO and founder of Adviso. His innovative, people-centric approach has helped numerous organizations achieve success in navigating complex changes.



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